Disclosure of hospital affairs

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Nine standards for clean work of medical institution staff

Release time: 2024/6/26 14:14:04

  Legal remuneration according to work, do not accept commercial commissions。Be paid according to law and regulations。It is strictly prohibited to use the practice of billing commission;It is strictly prohibited to organize for commercial purposes;Other medical institutions except the medical union where the hospital is located,And be included in the medical insurance "dual channel" management outside the designated retail pharmacies,It is strictly prohibited to arrange patients to purchase medical consumables and other products at other designated places;Promoting goods or services to patients for personal gain is strictly prohibited;It is strictly prohibited to accept the expenses related to prescription and prescription of Internet enterprises。

  Second, strictly abide by the principle of good faith, do not participate in fraud。Make reasonable use of the medical security fund according to law and regulations, comply with the management of the medical insurance agreement, and inform the medical insurance patients whether the medical services provided are within the payment scope stipulated by the medical insurance。It is strictly prohibited to induce or assist others to seek medical treatment under false names, purchase drugs, provide false certification materials, collude with others to falsely issue expense documents and other means to defraud or extract medical security funds。

  3. Practice medicine according to norms and do not carry out excessive diagnosis and treatment。Strict implementation of the rules and regulations, in the diagnosis and treatment activities should be explained to patients, medical measures。It is strictly prohibited to over-treat and over-examine for the purpose of simply increasing the income of medical institutions or seeking personal gains, which will increase the unnecessary risk and cost burden on patients。

  4. Abide by the working rules and do not accept donations in violation of regulations。Accept donations in accordance with laws and regulations。It is strictly prohibited for medical institution staff to accept donations from stakeholders in the name of individuals or under the guise of units, and treat patients differently accordingly。

  5. Abide by confidentiality guidelines and do not disclose patient privacy。Ensure patient information security in hospital。It is strictly prohibited to collect, use, process, transmit, disclose, or buy or sell personal data and medical information provided by patients in medical institutions in violation of regulations。

  6. Obey the needs of diagnosis and treatment, and refer patients for no profit。Provide medical information and use medical resources objectively and fairly according to the needs of patients。Except for normal referral in the medical union, it is strictly prohibited to introduce or guide patients to designated medical institutions through online or offline channels for the purpose of seeking personal interests。

  7. Maintain the order of diagnosis and treatment without undermining the fairness of medical treatment。Adhere to the principle of equality and build a fair environment for medical treatment。It is strictly prohibited to take advantage of medical resources such as number source, bed source, scarce drug consumables or medical treatment arrangements such as examination and surgery。

  Eight, build a harmonious relationship, do not accept the patient "red envelope"。Abide by medical ethics, strict self-discipline。It is strictly forbidden to ask for or accept gifts, cash gifts, consumption cards, securities, equity, other financial products and other property of patients and their relatives and friends;It is strictly forbidden to participate in the banquets arranged, organized or paid for by the party, or arrange activities such as travel, fitness and entertainment。

  9. Abide by the bottom line of exchanges and do not accept rebates from enterprises。Abide by laws and regulations and work incorruptly。It is strictly prohibited to accept any kickback in any name or form from any manufacturer or distributor of drugs, medical equipment, medical instruments, medical hygiene materials and other medical products;It is strictly forbidden to participate in the banquets arranged, organized or paid for by the party, or arrange activities such as travel, fitness and entertainment。

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