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[Academic exchange] Our hospital successfully hosted the breast imaging academic conference of the Medical Imaging Branch of Shandong Provincial Doctors Association

Contribution: Medical Imaging Department Published time: 2024/6/25 10:01:56

  From June 14 to 15, the breast Imaging Academic conference sponsored by the Medical Imaging Branch of Shandong Provincial Medical University (Shandong Provincial Hospital) and Liaocheng People's Hospital of Shandong Province was successfully held in Liaocheng。Ren Yong, Executive Vice President of Shandong Medical Association, Wang Guangbin, member of Party Committee and Vice president of Provincial Hospital, Zhao Bin, Director of Medical Imaging Branch, and Jiang Xiangkun, Secretary of Liaocheng People's Hospital attended the meeting and delivered a speech。President Jiang Wen of Liaocheng People's Hospital presided over the opening ceremony。

  Chairman Zhao Bin said in his speech,The Branch of Medical Imaging Physicians will never forget its original intention and remember its mission,Under the correct leadership of the provincial medical association and the strong support of experts and fellow practitioners,Strengthen industry self-discipline,Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of doctors in accordance with the law,Further promote the development of the discipline to fine and precise,Strive to create a harmonious environment for the growth of specialists,Actively promote the application and development of new professional technologies and new businesses such as breast imaging,Continuously improve the diagnosis and treatment level of imaging doctors in our province,Better serve the people。


  In his speech, Vice President Wang Guangbin welcomed the experts and participants from inside and outside the province, and thanked the leaders of the provincial Doctors Association who have long cared for and supported the development of provincial hospitals, as well as the experts and scholars in the field of medical imaging in the province。We hope to take this academic conference as an opportunity and rely on the regional medical, teaching and scientific research resources of provincial hospitals to build a platform for the majority of breast imaging workers in our province to exchange and interact with well-known experts, realize the sharing of superior resources, and play a positive role in promoting the academic level of breast imaging in the province。


  Vice President Ren Yong pointed out in his speech,Branch of Medical Imaging Physicians since its inception,Under the leadership of Chairman Professor Zhao Bin,Keep up with the frontiers of world medicine,Promote the development of disciplines to be refined and precise,Branch has set up bone muscle, pediatrics, cardiothoracic, abdominal basin, breast and other 5 groups,Strengthen team management,Develop industry self-regulation,Formulate industry norms,We will promote academic prosperity and strengthen exchanges。Since its establishment in 2021, the Mammary Science Group has given full play to its professional advantages, continuously carried out education and training activities, cultivated high-end professionals, improved service capabilities, and provided more professional and high-quality medical services for the people's health。I hope that we should cherish and make good use of this rare learning opportunity, strengthen exchanges and improve together


Some experts teach style

  会上,Professor Peng Weijun, Fudan University Cancer Hospital,Prof. Wang Dengbin, Xinhua Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine,Professor Zhao Bin, Professor Ma Xinwu, Professor Wang Cuiyan, Professor Li Xia, Provincial Hospital,Professor Lin Qing, Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University,Professor Kong Xiaoli, Qilu Hospital, Shandong University,Professor Guo Yiting, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Shandong University of Chinese Medicine,烟台毓璜顶医院毛宁教授,Professor Niu Qingliang, Weifang Second People's Hospital,潍坊人民医院褚玉静教授等十余位省内外知名影像专家分别围绕乳腺高危病变影像学面临的挑战和前景、乳腺MRI BI-RADS更新、乳腺粘蛋白病变的频谱、乳腺不可触及病变手术前定位的疑惑与解答、表现为非肿块强化的乳腺小叶癌与导管癌MRI表征及病理、多模态磁共振检查技术在乳腺良恶性病变中的应用、多模态乳腺影像与人工智能研究、乳腺疾病的诊疗、乳腺粘液癌等方面进行专题讲座。At the meeting, four young doctors brought breast cases, on-site personnel actively participated in the discussion, and experts made wonderful comments on the cases。


Some participating experts took a group photo

  Professor Wang Cuiyan of the Medical Imaging Department of the Provincial Hospital summed up the meeting and said that the meeting focused on the new progress of the breast imaging profession, to further help the development of the discipline through exchange and learning, to improve the level of medical services, to drive the continuous development of the professional team of breast imaging doctors, and to promote the high-quality development of the breast imaging profession in the province。

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