


2014 年 7 月 22 日,时 任山东省委副书记、省长郭树 清看望医院援疆医疗队队员。

On July 22, 2014, the vice secretary of the Shandong Provincial Committee and the governor, Guo Shuqing visited provincially sent medical aiding team members to Xinjiang who were sent by the hospital.


2014 年 10 月,坦桑 尼亚共和国总统贾卡亚·姆 里绍·基奎特来医院参观访 问,看望医院援坦医疗队员 代表。

In October 2014, the President of the Republic of Tanzania, Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, visited the Shandong Provincial Hospital, and visited medical team representatives of the hospital aiding Tanzania.


2015年4月26日,塞舌尔人民党总书记、副总统 丹尼·福尔来医院看望医院赴塞舌尔医疗队员代表,并 对医院赴塞舌尔医疗队提供的医疗服务表示感谢。

On April 26, 2015, the Seychelles People's Party General Secretary, Vice President Danny Faure came to our hospital to visit the Seychelles medical team representatives, and thanked our hospital for medical services provided by the Seychelles medical team representatives.


2015 年 8 月, 时任山东省委副书记、省长郭树清(右 二)在时任西藏自治区主席洛桑江村(右一)陪同下来到 日喀则市桑珠孜区聂拉木震后灾民安置点,看望慰问为藏 族同胞实施白内障复明手术的山东西藏光明行医疗队,并 和hg3088皇冠手机注册的眼科专家亲切交谈。

In August 2015, the vice secretary of the Shandong Provincial Committee and the governor, Guo Shuqing (second from right), accompanied by the Chairman of the Tibet Autonomous Region, Luo sang jiang cun (first from right), came to the settlements place after earthquake in the Sangzhuzi area of Shigatse, conveyed greets to the Shandong-Tibet light line medical team who implemented cataract surgery for Tibet people, and cordially communicated with eye experts of Shandong Provincial Hospital.


2016年9月,塞舌尔国家报《hg7088皇冠手机注册》报道,塞舌尔国务委员毛 瑞斯·拉兰纳代表政府和卫生部为医院医疗队员颁发“杰出贡献奖”。 据悉,这是中国援塞舌尔30年来,政府首次为中国医生的表彰。

In September 2016, the Seychelles State newspaper Nation reported that on behalf of the Government and the Ministry of Public Health Maurice Lallana, the State Councilor of Seychelles awarded the "Outstanding Contribution Award" for the medical personnel of the hospital. It is learned that Chinese doctors has received commendation for the first time in 30 years.